A Facelift for a Seaside Cottage
Prior to Rationel doors this property had UPVC and with our weather conditions over a period of time they started to warp, and once that happened they were letting water in. Our client Jonnie Oldham decided on wood based aluminium framed windows because the requirements warranted a much more substantial product to the one we had previously. They had done quite a bit of research, and had seen quite a few properties using Scandinavian products such as Rationel because it suits the climate. Find out more at https://www.ecotecwindows.com/case-studies
Jonnie is quoted as stating "Our property is a seaside beach house; and we bought it about 20 years ago and hadn’t done a lot of work on it, so we decided since we weren’t going away this year to do a sort of re-fit makeover on It. We did quite a lot of work - we put new windows on the front of the house which takes the bulk of the wind and driving rain, which can often be upwards of 60 miles per hour here in the winter months. We also replaced two sets of patio doors, we did look at Rationel doors for that but you only had a single door system and we needed bi-parting doors so that wasn’t the answer for us there; but we did prefer the Rationel externals doors and that’s where we came to Ecotec."
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