Ecotec Windows News


27th June 2024 - The Evolution of Passive Houses

A Passive House isn't just a structure; it's a groundbreaking design philosophy prioritising comfort with minimal energy use. By optimising insulation and maximising solar gain, these homes eliminate traditional heating systems, relying instead on natural sources like sunlight and body heat.

The Evolution of Passive Houses

The concept of the Passive House was conceived in 1988 by Dr. Wolfgang Feist and Bo Adamson. They envisioned a super energy-efficient house that could maintain comfortable temperatures without a traditional heating system. This vision materialised in 1991 with the first Passive House in Darmstadt, Germany. Over 25 years of monitoring revealed an average heating energy consumption of less than 10kWh/m²a, a testament to the efficacy of the design.

The Passive House concept rapidly gained traction across Europe and around the world. Today, more than 60,000 Passive House units exist globally. Ongoing efforts focus on reducing construction costs and adapting the concept to various climates and contexts. Since 2015, a recognition program has highlighted projects that not only meet Passive House standards but also generate renewable energy.

Windows and doors play a crucial role in the success of a Passive House. They are designed not only to reduce heat loss but also to maximise the amount of solar heat gained. Passivhaus windows are engineered to minimise thermal loss while optimising thermal gain, thereby enhancing the energy efficiency of the home.

The popularity of the Passivhaus standard is on the rise in the UK, mirroring trends seen globally. To meet this growing demand, ift Rosenheim, a prestigious German testing center, has developed a new Passivhaus window certification.

Ift Rosenheim's certification process goes beyond basic thermal performance. It rigorously evaluates windows for water tightness, air permeability, and shock resistance, with a detailed thermal assessment that includes factors such as glass edge temperature, frame profile temperature, and installed U-value. The result is a clear and comprehensive picture of a product's performance capabilities.

The growing interest in zero-carbon buildings and the Passivhaus standard is evident among builders, designers, and architects. However, achieving these standards demands specialised knowledge and experience. The Ecotec team exemplifies this expertise, bringing extensive experience to the design and specification of Passivhaus products.

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26th June 2024 - Our Exciting Visit to Internorm Factories in Austria

Our Exciting Visit to Internorm Factories in Austria

We embarked on an incredible adventure to Austria, visiting Internorm factories earlier this June. We gained a unique behind-the-scenes look at Internorm's impressive production process, from extrusion and glass production to a highly automated assembly line.

The adventure began with a visit to the timber-aluminium craftsmanship facility in Lannach. Here, we observed the meticulous process of creating high-quality windows and doors that blend the natural warmth of timber with the durability of aluminium.

Next, on to Traun (Internorm’s head office), we toured the massive uPVC/aluminium factory, complete with its own glass production.

The tour culminated in a visit to the largest factory in Sarleinsbach. Here we saw the brand new cutting-edge I-tec Decor digital printing technology in action.

Our Exciting Visit to Internorm Factories in Austria

Throughout their tour, we enjoyed Austria's stunning countryside and were treated to the incredible Austrian hospitality. Highlights included an architectural tour of Graz, Austria’s second largest city, a race up the 260 steps of Schlossberg to see a medieval tower and the city scape, and a ride down the world's tallest underground slide.

Our Exciting Visit to Internorm Factories in Austria Our Exciting Visit to Internorm Factories in Austria

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20th June 2024 - Choosing Between Double and Triple Glazing: Weighing the Benefits

Research shows that the right window glazing significantly impacts our comfort, energy efficiency, and overall home performance. Selecting between double and triple glazing can be a crucial decision, affecting thermal performance, acoustic insulation, and cost-effectiveness.

Choosing Between Double and Triple Glazing: Weighing the Benefits

Understanding Your Project Needs

Before diving into the specifics, it’s essential to clearly define your project goals. Are you replacing old windows, renovating an existing property, or embarking on a new build? These factors will help determine what you need from your glazing. Categorizing your priorities into 'needs' and 'wants' will streamline the decision-making process and help you navigate the myriad of options available.

Thermal Performance

Thermal performance, indicated by the U value (W/m²K), measures the rate of heat transfer through a window. A lower U value signifies better insulation and reduced heat loss. Triple glazing generally offers superior thermal performance compared to double glazing, but this advantage can be minimized if your home's walls and insulation are not up to standard. When evaluating windows, consider the whole window U value rather than just the glass. This includes the frame's impact, which can significantly alter overall performance. Ensure your supplier provides the whole window U value for an accurate comparison.

Solar Gain and Overheating

Solar gain, represented by the G value, measures the amount of solar energy that passes through the glass. Higher G values mean more solar energy enters your home, which can be a double-edged sword. While it reduces heating needs in winter, it can cause overheating in summer, especially in well-insulated homes with large glazed areas. Standard double glazing typically has a G value between 0.6 and 0.7, while triple glazing ranges from 0.45 to 0.55. The lower G values of triple glazing can help prevent overheating. Additionally, special solar control coatings can further reduce G values, although they add about 10-15% to the cost.

Acoustic Performance

Acoustic performance, measured in decibels reduction weighting (dB Rw), indicates how well a window reduces noise. Higher dB Rw values mean better sound insulation. While triple glazing can improve acoustic performance, certain double-glazed units with varied glass thicknesses and acoustic interlayers can sometimes perform better.

Weight and Installation Considerations

Triple glazing adds considerable weight, typically an additional 10kg/m². It’s crucial to ensure your window or door system can handle this load. Reinforcement may be necessary for UPVC and aluminum frames, potentially affecting their thermal performance. Timber and aluminum-clad timber systems, often designed for colder climates, are usually better equipped to support triple glazing. Proper installation is essential. Handling heavier triple-glazed units requires experienced installers and appropriate equipment to ensure safety and avoid damage.

Cost Analysis

The cost difference between double and triple glazing varies. Some systems may need reinforcement, increasing costs. However, if the manufacturing process is similar, the cost increase might be as low as 5-10%, reflecting the additional glass cost.

Energy Savings

While triple glazing offers significant thermal performance improvements, the actual energy savings depend on your home's overall efficiency, including walls, floors, and roofs. Airtightness is crucial; even small gaps can lead to significant heat loss, reducing comfort and increasing energy costs. Consulting a specialist, such as a Retrofit Coordinator or an Accredited Energy Assessor, can provide a comprehensive assessment of your building's performance.

Considering your entire building’s performance can you ensure that your investment in new glazing truly pays off. Contact us today for expert advice tailored to your specific needs.

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6th June 2024 - The Hidden Breath of Buildings: The Key Role of Ventilation in Architecture

Buildings need fresh air to function just like we do. Often overlooked, ventilation is crucial for creating healthy, comfortable, and enduring structures. Even ancient wonders like the Great Pyramids showcase thoughtful ventilation design. Their longevity is a testament to this! These structures boast ventilation shafts – ancient air conditioning! These ensured fresh air for workers, like how modern homes need ventilation for occupant health. This focus on healthy airflow extends to modern architecture as well.

The Hidden Breath of Buildings: The Key Role of Ventilation in Architecture

The focus on airtightness and energy efficiency in modern buildings can create a double-edged sword. While these features save energy, they can also trap pollutants and stale air inside.

So, why does ventilation matter?

Without it, modern, energy-efficient buildings can become stagnant and unhealthy.

Proper ventilation plays a critical role in:

Regulating indoor air quality: It removes stale air, pollutants, and reduces stuffiness, creating a healthier environment for occupants.
Improving comfort: Fresh air circulation helps maintain comfortable temperatures and reduces humidity, leading to a more pleasant indoor experience.
Promoting energy efficiency: Ventilation allows for natural air exchange, potentially reducing reliance on mechanical heating and cooling systems.

Architects have two main approaches to ventilate a space: natural and mechanical ventilation.

1. Natural Ventilation: This includes windows, doors, and vents. While essential, it might not be enough, especially for energy efficiency. It can be uncontrollable and allow unwanted elements in.

2. Mechanical Ventilation with Heat Recovery (MVHR): This controlled system provides fresh air while removing pollutants and excess moisture. MVHR offers several benefits:

Consistent Fresh Air: MVHR constantly exchanges stale indoor air with fresh outdoor air, ensuring a healthy and comfortable environment.
Filtered Air Quality: MVHR systems filter incoming air, removing harmful particles and pollutants.
Energy Efficiency: MVHR units recover heat from outgoing air, reducing energy consumption for heating incoming fresh air. Year-Round Comfort: MVHR systems maintain consistent air quality and temperature regardless of weather conditions.
Mould Prevention: By removing excess moisture, MVHR systems help prevent mould growth, a common problem in buildings with poor ventilation.

Incorporating effective ventilation strategies, especially MVHR systems, is no longer an afterthought in good architecture. By prioritizing ventilation, we can create spaces that are not only aesthetically pleasing and functional but also healthy, comfortable, and sustainable for their occupants.

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30th May 2024 - Condensation - a Sign of Window Performance?

Condensation is the process of a gas changing into a liquid. It happens when the temperature of the gas falls below its ‘dew point’. On windows it is often a sign of lack of ventilation. However, it may not always be the case and depends on where it takes place.

Condensation - a Sign of Window Performance?

Condensation on the outside of the window
If your windows have excellent thermal insulation and airtightness, after a cold night, the glass panes may mist up on the outside. The outer pane of the window stays relatively cold, and the moisture caused by the temperature difference between the air and window surface, causes mist to form on the outside of the window.

This happens only during morning hours and disappears as soon as the temperature rises.

Condensation on the inside of the window - Ventilate!
If condensation occurs on the inside of the glass pane, it's a sign that the relative humidity inside the room is too high. This is due to water vapours from kitchens, bathrooms or simply breathing! It should be brought down by ventilating the room. Ventilation helps avoiding rot and moisture damage in addition to a poor indoor climate.

Condensation between two glass panes - A punctured window
If condensation is occurring in between two panes of glass, it is a sign that the sealed unit is punctured and should be replaced

If you are looking to upgrade your windows, reach out to us here.

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28th May 2024 - Explore a New Velfac Showroom Near You

Join us at Manvers, Wath-upon-Dearne

Join us at Manvers, Wath-upon-Dearne

Step inside and discover why Velfac windows and doors are the perfect choice for your next project

Unmatched Design Versatility

Explore a range of styles, sizes, and configurations to seamlessly integrate with your architectural vision. Velfac's slim profiles maximize natural light and create a sleek, modern aesthetic.

Join us at Manvers, Wath-upon-Dearne

Join us at Manvers, Wath-upon-Dearne

Superior Energy Efficiency

Velfac's composite construction, featuring a durable aluminium exterior and warm wood interior, delivers exceptional thermal insulation.

Low Maintenance & Durability

The aluminium exterior provides long-lasting performance and requires minimal maintenance, ensuring your designs retain their beauty for years to come.

Join us at Manvers, Wath-upon-Dearne

Join us at Manvers, Wath-upon-Dearne

We are at: Century Park Network Centre, Manvers Way, Wath upon Dearne
Just a 10mins drive from J36 of the M1 and 15mins drive from J37 of the A1

And while you are there, why not check out some of our other exceptional systems?


Austrian design and construction to increase thermal efficiency


Scandinavian design meets durability and performance for homes


Elegant sliders, winter gardens, and bi-folds, perfect for modern living

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23rd May 2024 - How Do Windows Provide Acoustic Insulation?

With increasing higher density housing density and inner-city builds, residents are exposed to high levels of outdoor noise – from traffic and sirens wailing, to dogs barking and people chatting. UK guidelines state that the noise level within a living area in a home should not exceed 35dB.

Silence Starts with Design

Adequate space planning allows you to consider sources of sound and use different areas within a building. Architects can thus specify windows and doors that will achieve the right level of acoustic insulation.

How Do Windows Provide Acoustic Insulation?

How do windows provide acoustic insulation?

Unlike walls, which can absorb some sound energy, windows act more like a thin sheet – they vibrate when sound waves hit them. The more a window vibrates, the more sound energy it transmits to the other side.

Glass is effective at reducing external noise. At the simplest level, thicker glass or a combination of glass improves acoustic performance of a window. They create more robust windows that vibrate less, which means they transmit less sound. This is why high-performance acoustic windows use thicker glass panes.

Introducing laminations to glass provides precise decibel control. A thin layer of plastic sandwiched between glass panes creates a stronger barrier that reduces vibration and improves sound insulation.

Specifying glass for the noise source: For optimal results, choose sound-reducing glass specifically designed for the dominant noise type in your area, such as traffic noise or industrial sounds.

Timber too is an efficient soundproofing solution. When combined with units with double or triple glazing, the window can achieve a good noise reduction.

Acoustic trickle vents that have a timber packer ensure both fresh air and noise reduction. A standard click vent allows for a sound reduction of approximately 31 dB, while an acoustic trickle vents achieves a reduction of 40dB. That's a 9 dB sound reduction, which is equivalent to hearing traffic noise from about twice the distance away.

Finally, make sure that your windows’ test certifications meet your acoustic targets. It is important to remember that window soundproofing effectiveness goes beyond just the glass. Size, sash design, frame material, and joint sealing all play a part. Accurate acoustic testing requires evaluation of the entire window unit.

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16th May 2024 - Your Guide to Making Your House More Energy Efficient

As much as 50% of the energy used to heat up a house is lost through its windows. They are one of the biggest sources of energy loss in a building. However, energy efficient windows now take advantage of sunlight and avoid excessive heat loss through the pane.

Your Guide to Making Your House More Energy Efficient

When buying windows, you must look at the u-value of the window. The u-value is a measure of how much heat is lost through it. The lower the u-value, the more efficient is your window as it provides better insulation.

What additional features can you look for?

- Slim frames reduce u-values as glass is a better insulator than the frame
- Consider double glazing or triple glazing – these provide thermal efficiency and acoustic insulation.
- Glass coatings reflect heat back into the interior and control solar gain.
- Glass units filled with argon gas further improve insulation.
- Big windows let more sunlight in and exploit solar energy better

Finally, know the position of your windows. Thermal efficiency can be improved by strategically positioning your windows, relative to the sun.

- South facing windows receive the greatest influx of sunlight
- North facing windows don’t receive direct sunlight
- East facing and west facing windows receive about the same influx of sunlight

Use these tips to take full advantage of sunlight, which could give us savings on energy for heat and lighting.

We have units with typical u-values of 0.8 W/m2k , perfect for Passivhaus standard homes.

Contact us today for your new windows and get energy efficient!

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9th May 2024 - Making Your Home Less Accessible to Burglars

Did you know that most burglaries are not pre-planned but carried out by opportunistic criminals with standard tools? 80% of burglars gained access to a home through a door or window – 3% of which were open.

How can you reduce the risk of this happening to your house?

Making Your Home Less Accessible to Burglars

It may seem obvious but check that you have locked all your windows and doors. If your units cannot be locked, consider replacing them with lockable units.

Make sure that units you install are accredited by the UK Police Initiative ‘Secured by Design’ (SBD). This ensures that your glazing is designed to resist forced entry by burglars. Most intruders give up under 3 minutes if they cannot force their way into a property. Glazing that is approved by SBD has features that include at least one pane of strengthened laminated glass, beading only on the inside, multi point locking and lockable handles and restrictors.

Further, if your windows have external aluminium frames, they minimize potential damage done by a burglar’s standard tools – crowbars or screwdrivers.

Speak to us today!

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2nd May 2024 - Get More Daylight Into Your Home!

Research shows that daylight is vital for our health and wellbeing. It not only affects your sleep quality, but even strengthens the immune system.

With plenty of daylight, a space can feel bigger and more spacious. It also helps heating up homes and reducing energy consumption by reducing the need for artificial lighting.

Get More Daylight Into Your Home!

So… How can you let more daylight in?

1. Choose bigger windows
It may seem obvious, but window choice is nuanced. A taller window or a window is a higher position, distributes light evenly across the room, as opposed to a lower window, that concentrates light around it.

2. Position your window strategically
Consider the orientation of each room in your house. This along with factors like the presence of local shade from trees or near buildings, will influence the amount of light in each room.

3. Draw light further into your home
It may be difficult to get enough light in deepest rooms of your home, even on the brightest summer day. Consider having skylights to illuminate your space.

4. Choose window styles that let daylight in
Windows that have slimmer profiles have a bigger area of glass and this allows more light in.

As with any major investment, it is vital to have expert advice before making any decisions. Contact us today

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1st May 2024 - Early May Bank Holiday Approaching!

As the weather finally starts to warm up, what better time for a holiday?

We will be closed on Monday, May 6th for the bank holiday. Enjoy the long weekend!

Early May Bank Holiday Approaching!

We will be back on Tuesday, 7th May 2024.

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25th April 2024 - Digital Printing Now Available on Windows

Say goodbye to boring white uPVC windows because we've got something incredible for you!

Digital Printing Now Available on Windows

You can now match your furniture, floors, or doors with your window, with Internorm's latest game-changer - I-Tec Decor Digital Printing.

The design is applied like an inkjet printer, in multiple layers to the internal uPVC window profile. An additional topcoat is applied to protect the window against UV radiation and commercially available cleaning agents.

Choose from 11 exquisite finishes including Concrete, Walnut, Oak, and Spruce for your KF 310, KF 410 and KS 430 systems.

Designs available in:

Concrete grey
Walnut natural
Oak white
Oak grey
Oak natural
Oak black-grey
Oak olive grey
Oak light
Oak tobacco
Walnut red
Spruce natural

Find out more here.

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26th March 2024 - Easter Approaching

Ecotec will be closed on Friday, March 29th and Monday, April 1st for the bank holidays. We will be back in the office on Tuesday, April 2nd.

Easter Approaching

May your Easter be filled with lots of colourful eggs, sweet treats, and the joy of chocolate bunnies hopping your way.

Wishing you a Happy Easter and an enjoyable bank holiday weekend!

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8th March 2024 - Ecotec at Internorm’s Partner Meeting

Ecotec at Internorm’s Partner Meeting

This year Ecotec along with around 100 staff of Internorm's UK, Irish and Canadian distribution partners attended an evening brimming with innovation and celebration.

The event commenced with a presentation by Internorm UK's MD, Andreas, followed by a new product launch - the unveiling of a stunning timber-aluminium window, a chic entrance door, and a cutting-edge I-tec innovation - the I-tec Decor. The introduction of the I-Tec Decor, offers 11 new printed designs on the uPVC and uPVC-aluminium range, showcasing Internorm's commitment to customization and design excellence.

Passive House expert and ex-chair of the Passive Haus Association of Ireland, Barry McCarron shared insights into his EnerPHit project in Ireland.

The day concluded with an award presentation, recognizing outstanding projects with the 'Ryan Wernicki Installation Award'. Ecotec proudly entered for this prestigious award, adding an extra layer of excitement to the event. The celebratory evening of wine, dining and entertainment provided the perfect backdrop for networking.

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18th January 2024 - Ecotec Are Proud to Join the #cleanairmovement!

We have added Venti to our swanky range of products!

Ecotec are proud to join the #CleanAirMovement!

Constantly reviewing product developments, we have partnered with Venti, a member of the Coastal Group, to offer cutting-edge replacement trickle vents. These innovative products advocate for continuous mechanical ventilation, enhancing living conditions by ensuring a constant supply of fresh air to habitable dwellings. Embrace the future of ventilation with Ecotec and Venti, prioritizing sustainable and comfortable living.

Check out their products here

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6th December 2023 - Snag the Deal: Some of Our Showroom Items Are on Sale!

Snag the Deal:  Some of Our Showroom Items Are on Sale!

Here is your opportunity to get high quality products for a fraction of their price and a 0-day lead time!!!

Take a look at the available items on our offers page.

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9th November 2023 - This Remembrance Day, Ecotec Are Proud to Support The Manvers Association

This Remembrance Day, Ecotec Are Proud to Support The Manvers Association

This Remembrance Day, Ecotec Windows proudly joins hands with the Manvers Association to pay tribute to our heroes who made the ultimate sacrifice. In a village without a dedicated remembrance site, we are part of a community-wide effort to create a display of lamp post poppies along Manvers Way.

This Remembrance Day, Ecotec Are Proud to Support The Manvers Association

Join us in commemorating our heroes and making this Remembrance Day truly special. Together, we can ensure their legacy lives on.

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3rd October 2023 - Ecotec Windows At The Harrogate Homebuilding & Renovation Show 2022

Ecotec Windows will be partnering with Internorm for the upcoming Harrogate Homebuilding & Renovating Show 20223 set to take place in the North of England from Friday, November 3rd to Sunday, November 5th. Doors open at 10:00 and are expected to be closed around 16:30.

Ecotec Windows At The Harrogate Homebuilding & Renovation Show 2022

Find us at stand B448, located at The Harrogate Convention Centre on Kings Road, Harrogate, HG1 5LA.

Explore the latest products and services offered by Ecotec Windows and Internorm, and connect with industry experts. We look forward to welcoming you and sharing insights into innovative solutions for your projects.

Contact us at to get your pair of free tickets!

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25th September 2023 - Meet the Euroglaze Family

Having built its reputation over 40+ years as one of the best One Stop Shop suppliers of Rehau PVC-U windows and composite doors for the mainstream market, Euroglaze is now introducing trade customers to its sister brand supplying premium products for high end properties.

Meet the Euroglaze Family

Martin Nettleton, Euroglaze's Managing Director, explains: "This is all about giving existing customers opportunities to expand out of the mainstream and into higher margin sectors, which are arguably better insulated from the cost of living crisis.

"Ecotec Architectural Window Solutions has been a successful part of the Euroglaze group for nearly a decade, supplying products from the likes of Rationel, Internorm, Solarlux and Velfac. It has its own sales team and its own stylish showroom just off the M1 near Rotherham open to trade, commercial and retail buyers.

"What’s new though is that the Ecotec customer service team, led by Vailancia Rebelo, is now embedded within our customer service department here at Euroglaze in Barnsley, giving our existing installers and stockists a simple way to access these premium ranges.

"The Ecotec products may be new to Euroglaze customers, but the personalised service they can expect from our experts who really care about what they are selling will be very familiar. Both brands share the same commitment to quality at every touchpoint – from the initial enquiry, all the way to the delivery to site."

Ecotec products are aimed at high end, often bespoke projects where the emphasis is generally on achieving the wow factor – whether that’s with Solarlux’s panoramic sliders and bifolds, Rationel’s Passive House as standard aluminium-clad timber windows and doors or Internorm’s high performance aluminium clad timber and PVC-U options capable of achieving U-Values as low as 0.61.

The Ecotec team can advise customers on choosing the right system, specifying the product and on design and planning considerations. Martin Nettleton added: "We can help installers target projects they might previously have turned down because they didn’t have the right supply partner in place. It’s taking our One Stop Shop concept to a whole new level."

More details are at: and

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7th September 2023 - Triple Glazing for the Price of Double

Upgrade your home this autumn!

Internorm, Europe's leading window and door manufacturer is offering triple glazing for the price of double!

What could be better - Their products are designed to meet the highest standards of performance and style, and they offer a wide range of customization options to suit your unique preferences.

Triple Glazing for the Price of Double

The Promotion applies to all Internorm Timber-Aluminium, uPVC and uPVC-Aluminium systems *:

KF310, 320, 410, 510, 520

KV350, 440


HF410, 510




* The promotion is valid on orders placed before 15th December 2023.

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4th September 2023 - Solarlux Celebrates 40 Years of Being at the Forefront of Bifolding Door Technology

Solarlux celebrates 40 years of being at the forefront of bifolding door technology

Founded by Heinz Theo Ebbert and Herbert Holtgreife, Solarlux pioneered the world's first bi-fold door system, revolutionizing architecture. Today, led by Herbert's son, Stefan, Solarlux specializes in large-scale glazed openings and upholds their 'Made in Germany' commitment for top-tier quality.

Solarlux's legacy is one of innovation, sustainability, and bridging indoor and outdoor spaces. They remain at the forefront of modern architecture with their pioneering glazing solutions.

At Ecotec, we share Solarlux’s commitment to innovation and sustainability. Together, we enable you to create the best home, combining expertise for perfect comfort in your home without compromising on light. Let our combined vision become your reality.

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25th August 2023 - Summer Bank Holiday

Summer Bank Holiday

It's almost the end of summer.

Our office will be closed on Monday, 28th August for the bank holiday.

Have a fantastic weekend!

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2nd August 2023 - Incredible Discount Sale!

Our showroom is currently undergoing an exciting upgrade, and as a result, we are offering a remarkable selection of luxury glazing items from Internorm at unbeatable prices – all at a fraction of their original cost!

Incredible Discount Sale!

Internorm is renowned for producing high-quality and innovative glazing solutions, and now is your chance to bring a touch of luxury and elegance to your home or project without breaking the bank.

1. Solid aluminium clad timber Internorm entrance door with Curved glass/aluminium panel feature
2. Solid aluminium clad timber Internorm entrance door with 4 Satinato obscure lights
3. Internorm tilt & turn window with integrated blinds and electric operated trickle vent
4. Internorm tilt & turn window with integrated crucifix lead and child restrictor
5. Double opening Internorm tilt & Turn aluminium clad timber window
6. Modern Internorm aluminium clad timber Ttilt & Turn window

Check out our offers section for more details!

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1st July 2023 - Exciting Website Revamp at Ecotec!

Ecotec is thrilled to announce an upcoming revamp project for the Velfac section of our website. Stay tuned to for an exciting update in a few weeks!

Exciting Website Revamp at Ecotec!

Velfac, established in 1961, is dedicated to enhancing natural light in your home. With sleek sightlines, they optimize the influx of light while maintaining a uniform aesthetic across window units. These contemporary aluminium/wood windows are available in double and triple glazing options, exuding elegance that complements any modern home. Reinvent modern life today!

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1st June 2023 - Internorm Spring Promo – Time is Running Out!!

Spring may have slowed down, but Internorm's exclusive promotion - 'Triple for double' - is still blazing hot!  

Internorm Spring Promo – Time is Running Out!!

Yes, you read that right: you can get triple glazing for the price of double!

Internorm, renowned for its superior Austrian craftsmanship and expertise in producing high-quality windows and doors, is here to elevate your home to new heights of thermal performance. Our windows are designed to meet the rigorous standards of Passivhaus, ensuring optimal energy efficiency and comfort.

Make your dream home a reality with Internorm! Take the first step by reaching out to us now. Together, we will create a place of exceptional quality, comfort, and style.

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26th May 2023 - Have a Wonderful Spring Bank Holiday

It's spring bank holiday Monday and our office will be closed on 29th May 2023.

Have a restful weekend and plenty of fun in the sun (we've checked the weather 😃).

Have a Wonderful Spring Bank Holiday

We will be back on Tuesday 30th May 2023.

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5th May 2023 - Coronation of King Charles III

Ecotec joins the nation in celebrating the coronation of the King! We're proud to be part of this exciting moment in history.

We wish the King a long and prosperous reign!

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3rd April 2023 - Easter Approaching

Ecotec will be closed on Friday, April 7th and Saturday, April 10th for the bank holidays. We will be back in the office on Tuesday, April 11th.

May your Easter be filled with lots of colourful eggs, chocolate bunnies, and all the other sweet treats that come with this egg-citing holiday.

Wishing you a Happy Easter and an enjoyable bank holiday weekend!

Easter Approaching

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10th March 2023 - Wintergardens - a Thermally Insulated Glass Structure Providing an Instant Wow Factor to Your Property!

A relatively new concept in the UK, wintergardens are a well-known and popular way to extend a home in Europe. Varying considerably from the glass houses, a wintergarden has thermally insulating properties and can thus be used as a 'normal' room all year round.


The Solarlux Wintergarden is designed to provide a seamless connection between indoor and outdoor living spaces, allowing homeowners to enjoy their gardens and outdoor environments all year round. They are constructed using high-quality, energy-efficient materials, such as double-glazed glass panels and thermally broken aluminium frames.

A Wintergarden can be attached to a building, or it can be freestanding. It is designed to allow natural light to flood into the living space, creating a bright and airy atmosphere. Additionally, it can be equipped with features like integrated shading systems, heating and ventilation systems, and glass sliding doors to create a comfortable and functional living space.


Wintergardens can be used for a variety of purposes, such as a dining area, a lounge, a greenhouse, or a playroom. They provide a unique and beautiful addition to any home or building, allowing homeowners to enjoy the beauty of nature all year-round while still being protected from the elements.

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6th March 2023 - Internorm - Triple for Double!

Spring is the perfect time to upgrade your home with high-quality windows and doors.

Internorm is a leading European manufacturer of windows and doors, with a focus on innovation, design, and sustainability. Their products are designed to meet the highest standards of performance and style, and they offer a wide range of customization options to suit your unique preferences.

Internorm - Triple for Double!

The Promotion applies to all Internorm Timber-Aluminium, uPVC and uPVC-Aluminium systems *:

  • KF310, 320, 410, 510, 520
  • KV350, 440
  • KS430
  • HF410, 510
  • HV450
  • HS330
  • HX300

* The promotion is valid on orders placed before 23rd June 2023.

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3rd February 2023 - Cross Laminated Timber – the Sustainable Way to Go!

Wood being a natural product has a tendency to expand and contract unevenly due to differences in moisture content. This causes natural wood to change its shape, also called as warping. The use of thin laminated timber layers, counteracts the swelling taking place, when wood takes on water. This multi-layering also reinforces the strength of the wood.

Cross Laminated Timber – the Sustainable Way to Go!

Multi-layered timber is called as engineered or cross-laminated timber. Here the grain of one section is layered in an opposing direction to the grain of the neighbouring layer. Wet wood warps in the direction of the grain, having layers placed in opposite directions ensures that any movement that is caused by the absorption of moisture is evened out.

Cross Laminated Timber – the Sustainable Way to Go!

The use of a cross laminated core allows for timber to be placed over the core, enabling the inside of windows to be adapted to your requirements for any chosen room for a reasonable amount in comparison to the entire frame being built of a dearer timber such as oak, ash, walnut etc. This allows for the use of environmentally friendly and sustainable solutions!

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16th January 2023 - Condensation on Windows - All You Need to Know

Condensation is the process of a gas changing into a liquid. This happens when the temperature of the gas falls below its ‘dew point’.

Condensation on windows is often a sign of lack of ventilation. However, this may not always be the case and depends on where it takes place.

Condensation on Windows - All You Need to Know

Condensation on the outside of the window - a positive sign

When condensation occurs on the outside of the window it indicates that the window works as intended and is energy efficient.

During certain times for instance, frosty nights, the outer surface of the window is colder than the outdoor air. This cases mist to form on the outside of the window.

This misting is caused by energy windows which have an invisible coating on the innermost glass pane that reflects heat back into the premises. Simultaneously, the inert gas in between the glass panes prevents the heat from inside reaching the outer most pane and heating it up.

Condensation on Windows - All You Need to Know

Condensation on the inside of the window - ventilate!

If condensation occurs on the inside of the glass pane, it's a sign that the relative humidity inside the room is too high.

It should be brought down by ventilating the room. Ventilation helps avoiding rot and moisture damage in addition to a poor indoor climate.

Condensation between two glass panes - a punctured window

Condensation occurring in between two panes of glass, is a sign that the sealed unit is punctured and should be replaced.

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21st December 2022 - Work hard, play hard – Ecotec’s Christmas outing

Ecotec Windows along with sister company Euroglaze celebrated Christmas 2022 in style with an exciting afternoon of go-karting.

Work hard, play hard – Ecotec’s Christmas outing

The teams headed to the Wakefield Indoor Karting circuit on Friday afternoon, where much fun was had as racers sped through the track in attempts to win the Grand Prix!

The evening continued with a festive meal at Toby Carvery where the not so successful on the track, but enthusiastic participants won booby prizes such as the ‘Sunday Driver’ and ‘Should have taken the bus’ as well!

Work hard, play hard – Ecotec’s Christmas outing

Work hard, play hard – Ecotec’s Christmas outing

Work hard, play hard – Ecotec’s Christmas outing

Work hard, play hard – Ecotec’s Christmas outing

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13th December 2022 - Christmas Approaching!

Christmas Approaching!

Ecotec's last working day for the Festive Season will be Friday 23rd December 2022 and we will reopen on Tuesday 3rd January 2023.

Thank you for your loyalty, cooperation and patience this year.

Happy Christmas and best wishes for a prosperous New Year 2023!

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5th December 2022 - Bargain - Luxury Door for Sale for a Low Price!

Ecotec have 1 Rationel Auraplus composite doors available at £800.00+VAT (RRP: £1100+vat), available for immediate collection from Barnsley. With extended lead times, you could take yours home today!

It had been installed but never used as the client discovered that they needed an outward opening. This is a chance to get your hands on a truly luxury quality product for a fraction of the price.

If you're interested or have any further questions, please get in touch by sending an email to, or give us a call on 01226 885 019.

Technical information:

At just £800.00 + VAT a rare opportunity to obtain a door from Rationel at an amazing price for immediate collection - a truly outstanding product for your home renovation

! Bargain - Luxury Door for Sale for a Low Price!

Overall Dimensions: 980mm wide x 2145mm high

Opening: Inward left opening

Colour: RAL7016 Anthracite Grey inside and out

Material: Aluminium clad timber

Glazing: Triple glazed

U value – 0.92

Collection only: From Barnsley, South Yorkshire

Bargain - Luxury Door for Sale for a Low Price!

Condition: Nearly new - This product has been installed, but never used as client needed it to open outwards. is therefore available as seen at an unprecedented price and lead time.

RRP = £1,100.00 + VAT but yours for just £800.00 + VAT - the current lead time for new product from Rationel is 9 weeks but you could pick it up next day.

(Images show a similar product. The doors have been uninstalled and are now in storage).

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1st December 2022 - 2 Luxury Bifolds for Sale for a Fraction of the Price

Ecotec have 2 Solarlux Bifold doors available at £3,000+VAT each (RRP: £6,100+vat), available for immediate collection from Barnsley. One is right handing, the other left; and can be sold separately or together. With lead times currently extended up to 12 weeks; you could take yours home today!

Both have been installed but were never used as they were too short for the opening. This is a chance to get your hands on some truly luxury quality bifold for a fraction of the price. If you're interested or have any further questions, please get in touch by sending an email to, or give us a call on 01226 885 019.

2 Luxury Bifolds for Sale for a Fraction of the Price 2 Luxury Bifolds for Sale for a Fraction of the Price

Technical information:

At just £3,000.00 + VAT a rare opportunity to obtain a bi-fold from Solarlux at an amazing price for immediate collection - The excellence of German engineering, with slim sightlines, a truly outstanding product for your home renovation!

2 Luxury Bifolds for Sale for a Fraction of the Price 2 Luxury Bifolds for Sale for a Fraction of the Price

Overall Dimensions: 2980mm wide x 2195mm high

Number of panels: 4

Opening: Internal (1 x stack to the right; 1 x stack to the left)

Colour: RAL7016 Anthracite Grey inside and out

Material: Aluminium

Glazing: Double glazed

Collection only: From Barnsley, South Yorkshire

2 Luxury Bifolds for Sale for a Fraction of the Price 2 Luxury Bifolds for Sale for a Fraction of the Price

Condition: Nearly new - This product has been installed, but never used as too short for the opening and is therefore available as seen, at an unprecedented price and lead time.

RRP = £6,100.00 + VAT but yours for just £3,000.00 + VAT - the current lead time for new product from Solarlux is 12 weeks but you could pick it up next day.

(Images show product at original installation site. The doors have been uninstalled and are now in storage).

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1st November 2022 - Ecotec Windows At The Harrogate Homebuilding & Renovation Show 2022

Ecotec Windows will be working with our partners Internorm, exhibiting at the essential homebuilding and renovating event in the North of England at the Harrogate Homebuilding & Renovating show 2022 which takes place during Friday 4th November to Sunday 6th November. Doors open at 10:00 and are expected to be closed around 16:30. We will be at stand B448 with our partners Internorm at The Harrogate Convention Centre, Kings Road, Harrogate, HG1 5LA. Register for your tickets at

Ecotec Windows At The Harrogate Homebuilding & Renovation Show 2022

Self-build specialists, renovation experts and leading brands are all under one roof at the Northern Homebuilding & Renovating Show. Discover the latest products, understand how to maximise your budget or seek an architect's opinion. From small plots to big builds, the Homebuilding & Renovating Show is the place to pick up tools and tips from the brightest and best in the business.

#internorm #internormoffer #energyefficiency #highperformance #thermalinsulation #windowsanddoors #ecohaus #lowenergy #lowcarbon #sustainablebuilding

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3rd October 2022 - Triple Glazing for the price of Double Glazing

We have a special Internorm Triple Glazing for the price of Double Glazing offer now on until December 16th 2022. Don't miss this opportunity to make savings on your triple glazing and on your energy use drop.

Triple Glazing for the price of Double Glazing

Autumn is now here, so now is the time to take advantage of our latest Promotion - TRIPLE GLAZING for the price of double. Take a look at our fantastic product range, which offers exceptional performance, ideal for low energy homes. Internorm has been producing high-performance windows and doors far below Building Regulations for years. But don’t just take our word for it - visit our website to browse our case study portfolio of installations.

#internorm #internormoffer #energyefficiency #highperformance #thermalinsulation #windowsanddoors #ecohaus #lowenergy #lowcarbon #sustainablebuilding

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5th September 2022 - What is a Passive House Project?

A Passive House is one that requires ultra-low levels of energy to heat or cool it. It can manage without usual heating conventions as a result, making it super cost-effective. It also tends to have consistently good air quality. For a project to achieve the Passive House standard, it needs to meet certain criteria. It must have a high standard of thermal insulation and efficient heat recovery ventilation, as well as being highly airtight. Most importantly, its windows need to demonstrate far greater efficiency than conventional windows.

What is a Passive House Project?

The result is an incredibly comfortable and affordable home, tranquil and snug with a low carbon footprint. Passive house windows - The choice of windows is crucial to the development of a low-energy building, as is knowledge of the relationship between building design and energy performance. Achieving the optimum window solution depends on a combination of factors. These include:

  • Insulating properties
  • Ability to make use of free solar heat
  • Orientation in relation to the sun
  • Sun screening and shading
  • Glass to frame ratio
  • Installation methods and thermal bridges
  • Number of windows and total window area
  • Air tightness

Windows and doors done the right way - Choose Ecotec Windows to get it done the right way.

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2nd August 2022 - Enjoy More Space & Light Whilst Experiencing The Outside From Inside

Summer is the perfect time to be considering a wintergarden glazed extension project. This is the perfect solution to provide more living space with a stunning aesthetic. You can watch the changing seasons in the comfort of your own home and in the warmer months open up your living space to embrace the outside. Ecotec Windows is a specialist for the installation of Solarlux wintergarden glazed projects.

Enjoy More Space & Light Whilst Experiencing The Outside From Inside

The thermally insulated wintergarden glazed extension is available in a range of design options and made bespoke to suit your requirements, both personally and architecturally. High-quality materials are used for the structure; made of either aluminium or a combination of wood/aluminium. Make your world a brighter place and open up your home with a Solarlux wintergarden glazed extension.

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5th July 2022 - Download The Latest 2022 Rationel Brochure

From a small workshop in Denmark in 1954, a lone carpenter worked diligently to create his first order of 31 barn windows. He invested the profits in modern machinery and Rationel was born. More than 60 years later we’re still here, shipping 600,000 state-of-the-art windows and doors around the world each year. All of them bespoke, all of them beautiful. We may have grown, but we’ve maintained our firm focus on quality craftsmanship and service. Ecotec Windows is now in its 10th year as a leading Rationel partner in the UK. Download the latest 2022 brochure at

Download The Latest 2022 Rationel Brochure

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17th May 2022 - Project Administrator - Ecotec Architectural Window Solutions Ltd

Project Administrator - Ecotec Architectural Window Solutions Ltd

Up to 39 hours / week - Reduced hours considered

Salary - £21.5-22.5k

Ecotec Architectural Windows Ltd is a small business based in Barnsley, within the offices of our sister company Euroglaze. We specialise in the sale and installation of high value windows and doors.

Due to significant growth, we are looking for an experienced and enthusiastic Project Administrator to join our team.

The role involves:

  • Being first point of contact for customer queries
  • Dealing with telephone, web and email enquiries
  • Understanding and explaining our product range, features & benefits
  • Interpreting plans and drawings to generate quotations using Window Designer and other specialist supplier software
  • Dealing with queries and amendments, and seeing these through to resolution
  • Liasing with suppliers, customers and our installation teams
  • Liasing with suppliers and distribution companies to schedule and coordinate the delivery of products
  • Liasing with our internal Accounts team
  • Using a CRM system to monitor and record all elements of the sales and ordering process
  • Managing the company website and social media strategy through our supplier
  • Take on special projects as appropriate

This position requires an individual who has a positive ‘can do’ attitude and the ability to effectively time manage a busy workload, understanding team priorities. You must have a keen eye for numerical accuracy and detail, the capacity to interpret plans and elevations and excellent customers service skills. You should be a good communicator, a good team player and be able to use your own initiative, with the ability to prioritise and multitask to maintain deadlines.

Good computer skills are a must and whilst knowledge of the window industry and Window Designer software are desirable, they are not essential. In addition, you’ll have good office system skills including Microsoft Office Suite and ideally experience of a CRM system.

As part of a small team you will need to be open minded to flexible ways of working and able to adapt to new processes and procedures.

We are an equal opportunity employer and welcome applications from all suitable experienced candidates

A-level qualifications (or equivalent), driving license and permission to work in the UK are required.

Application deadline: 22nd May

Apply here:


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1st May 2022 - Triple Glazing for the price of Double Glazing

The Internorm Triple for the price of Double offer is now on until June the 24th 2022. Don't miss this opportunity to make savings on your triple glazing and on your energy use drop.

Triple Glazing for the price of Double Glazing

Spring has sprung, so now is the time to take advantage of our Spring Promotion - TRIPLE GLAZING for the price of double. Take a look at our fantastic product range, which offers exceptional performance, ideal for low energy homes. Internorm has been producing high-performance windows and doors far below Building Regulations for years. But don’t just take our word for it - visit our website to browse our case study portfolio of installations. #internorm #internormoffer #energyefficiency #highperformance #thermalinsulation #windowsanddoors #ecohaus #lowenergy #lowcarbon #sustainablebuilding

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1st April 2022 - Winter Gardens All Year Round

Not all winter gardens are created equal – as Solarlux has demonstrated with its new SDL Avalis spatial concept. With its cubic design and flat roof, this extension is on point when it comes to all the latest architectural trends, setting it apart from more traditional wintergarden concepts. With this new take, the SDL Avalis heralds the dawn of a new era in the wintergarden sector. The roof plate is available in any choice of size so it can even cover larger spaces, and customers are free to choose whether or not a roof opening with a glazed skylight fits their design expectations and the existing building.

Winter Gardens All Year Round

Ecotec believes in continual improvement. We are always looking ahead to new technologies and developments for windows and doors that will enhance buildings and provide comfort and ease of use to the occupiers, whilst at the same time providing more sustainable products for all our futures. This on-going commitment to innovation is shared by Solarlux.

Together we enable you to create the best home that you possibly can using Solarlux window and door designs. Combining Ecotec’s window expertise with Solarlux’s impressive design and quality, we can help you create perfect comfort in your home; great thermal efficiency, without compromising on light. Make our combined vision a reality, we are on hand to provide service each step of the way.

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14th March 2022 - Dreamy New Build in Great Snoring

Our client managed to find this plot of land in Great Snoring back in the beginning of 2019. It was an empty plot that came with full planning permission for a 4 bedroom house with a separate garage with a study over. They were initially outbid but the people who had taken it then dropped out so our client was lucky to get the property. Originally the intention was to have it as a true self build but unfortunately just days after our clients wife was diagnosed with cancer, so they decided to go with a contractor because we thought it would be quicker than a self build. Find out more at

Dreamy New Build in Great Snoring

The client said: "We’re pleased we’ve made our pay rate on the tests, so that’s good; we’ll find out more about how efficient it really is this winter, our first winter in the property. We’ve moved from Essex so it’s definitely a change of scenery, a change of pace of life – everything is much more peaceful and laid back in Norfolk. In Essex there’s so much development work going on for very little change in the roads; we were always in traffic. Now at least we are slowed down by tractors instead!"

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5th February 2022 - A Facelift for a Seaside Cottage

Prior to Rationel doors this property had UPVC and with our weather conditions over a period of time they started to warp, and once that happened they were letting water in. Our client Jonnie Oldham decided on wood based aluminium framed windows because the requirements warranted a much more substantial product to the one we had previously. They had done quite a bit of research, and had seen quite a few properties using Scandinavian products such as Rationel because it suits the climate. Find out more at

A Facelift for a Seaside Cottage

Jonnie is quoted as stating "Our property is a seaside beach house; and we bought it about 20 years ago and hadn’t done a lot of work on it, so we decided since we weren’t going away this year to do a sort of re-fit makeover on It. We did quite a lot of work - we put new windows on the front of the house which takes the bulk of the wind and driving rain, which can often be upwards of 60 miles per hour here in the winter months. We also replaced two sets of patio doors, we did look at Rationel doors for that but you only had a single door system and we needed bi-parting doors so that wasn’t the answer for us there; but we did prefer the Rationel externals doors and that’s where we came to Ecotec."

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10th January 2022 - Internorm Triple Glazing Project Completed

Another Ecotec Windows installation with some very handsome triple glazed Internorm Window and Doors gleaming in the late November sun. This striking triple glazing will definitely keep our customers' home merry and bright over this winter season. Find out more about Internorm at

Internorm Triple Glazing Project Completed

All Internorm windows are unique and tailored to provide an array of options for commercial, industrial and residential properties, whatever the scale and scope of your project. Internorm have led in construction technology for decades and are continuously committed to providing technological solutions for those who want the future today. If you’re looking to combine different materials and elements for different aspects of your design then all our ranges are more than up to the task. Don’t be limited by conventional thinking.

Internorm Triple Glazing Project Completed Internorm Triple Glazing Project Completed

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2nd December 2021 - A Facelift for a Seaside Cottage WIth Rationel Doors

Ecotec Windows recently implemented a Rationel Door installation in the Yorkshire Dales. The property owner was invited to see the products at the showroom on location in South Yorkshire. The visualisation of our full product range took place with full examples across all options on show.

A Facelift for a Seaside Cottage WIth Rationel Doors

Jannine Oldham stated "Our property is a seaside beach house; and we bought it about 20 years ago and hadn’t done a lot of work on it, so we decided since we weren’t going away this year to do a sort of re-fit makeover on It. We did quite a lot of work - we put new windows on the front of the house which takes the bulk of the wind and driving rain, which can often be upwards of 60 miles per hour here in the winter months. We also replaced two sets of patio doors, we did look at Rationel doors for that but you only had a single door system and we needed bi-parting doors so that wasn’t the answer for us there; but we did prefer the Rationel externals doors and that’s where we came to Ecotec."

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3rd November 2021 - Ecotec Windows At The Harrogate Homebuilding & Renovation Show

Ecotec Windows will be working with our partners Internorm, exhibiting at the essential homebuilding and renovating event in the North of England at the Harrogate Homebuilding & Renovating show 2021 which takes place during Friday 5th November to Sunday 7th November. Doors open at 10:00 and are expected to be closed around 16:30. We will be at stand B448 with our partners Internorm at The Harrogate Convention Centre, Kings Road, Harrogate, HG1 5LA. Purchase your tickets at

Ecotec Windows At The Harrogate Homebuilding & Renovation Show

Self-build specialists, renovation experts and leading brands are all under one roof at the Northern Homebuilding & Renovating Show. Discover the latest products, understand how to maximise your budget or seek an architect's opinion. From small plots to big builds, the Homebuilding & Renovating Show is the place to pick up tools and tips from the brightest and best in the business.

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21st October 2021 - Homebuilding & Renovating Show Harrogate

We'll help you to bring it to life, no matter the stage it's at!

Homebuilding & Renovating Show Harrogate

Make the most of our our tailored, one-to-one advice; take the opportunity to browse 1000s of new and innovative products to improve your home; get the lowdown on the ins and outs of everything from planning regulations for extensions and managing renovation budgets, to stylish kitchen design and integrating underfloor heating.

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7th September 2021 - Larch House Case Study Modernising a Rural Kent Cottage

Fola and Maria got in touch with Ecotec after receiving quotes from other Rationel distributors. They were interested in creating an industrial contrast with their traditional red brick cottage; using windows designed with a ‘crittall’ style in mind, but with the efficiency and durability of high-quality glazing. As the mastermind behind their own plans, Ecotec was able to meet Fola and Maria’s changing needs with flexibility; and ultimately we settled on a style with which both were very pleased. They were happy to send us the above photos of a job well done!

Find out more at

Larch House Case Study Modernising a Rural Kent Cottage

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2nd August 2021 - Ecotec Windows Showroom Fully Open

We are pleased to confirm that our showroom is now open and ready to receive you by appointment only. Our address is Unit 24, Dearne Lane, Manvers, Rotherham, South Yorkshire, S63 5DE and we would like you to book your appointment by calling us on +44 (0)1226 885019.

We want to ensure that the showroom experience is perfect for you and you will be able to browse all of our display windows and doors from the very best brands available. We have also been preparing the showroom in July ready to receive visitors and guests alike.

You can make the experience part of a day out looking at the highest quality lifestyle themes for your dream home.

Ecotec Windows Showroom Fully Open

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5th July 2021 - Ecotec Windows Advert Campaign In Yorkshire Life

After a very busy start to the year we have also been advertising in the Yorkshire Life magazine to increase our exposure across the regions. We have had a number of adverts in recent publications during 2021 promoting some of the very best brands in doors and windows including Internorm and Rationel.

Ecotec Windows Advert Campaign In Yorkshire Life

Yorkshire Life is a grand showcase for 'God's Own Country', bringing the best of coast, moor, city and dale to readers captivated by this much-loved part of the world. For more than 70 years the magazine has been telling Yorkshire's stories and today continues this tradition with content all about the people and places who make Yorkshire tick. Discover everyone from artisan food producers to outdoor enthusiasts, seasoned with the best of the area's culture, personalities and 'in the know' advice on the places to discover. Every edition features walks, coastal destinations, sought-after towns and villages and the food and drink for which Yorkshire is famed. We're a very satisfying slice of Yorkshire life.

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4th June 2021 - Introducing VELFAC

VELFAC composite windows bring together the best of both worlds; the durability and versatility of aluminium and the beauty and warmth of natural wood. Aluminium is both highly durable and low maintenance, ensuring the windows will last 40 years or more. The wood frame contributes to great energy performance with U-values as low as 0.8 W/m²k. More information on our VELFAC offering can be found here

Introducing VELFAC

You can choose from the different VELFAC design styles so that you can find a window or door solution amongst the multitude of possibilities in shape, colour and material which fulfil exactly your demands on architecture, design and comfort.

The VELFAC frame design brings together the best of both worlds - the warmth of internal wood and the durability of external aluminium. Inside the frame the glass panes are separated by a cavity filled with argon - which has an insulating effect. The combination of our windows elements, insure optimal energy performance and life expectancy of up to 60 years.

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10th May 2021 - Roadley House Developments

We were recommended to Ecotec Windows by Paul Roberts from Internorm; we had a very positive experience; they were really helpful and very responsive and very supportive. The process was extremely easy. We had to hire a crane, and our windows sat on great big palettes for a while - we’ve still got one, we’re going to turn it into a swing for the kids! The installation itself went very quickly once everyone was in place. The whole thing was successful down to Ecotec’s attention to detail.

Roadley House Developments

Project Information

  • Name: Clive Attard
  • Project Name: ‘Roadley House Developments’
  • Manufacturer: Internorm
  • Range: Home Pure
  • Location: Leicester, Leicestershire

Product Information

  • Internorm Home Pure HF310
  • Timber Aluminium Composite Frame
  • Triple Glazed
  • High Thermal Performance
  • Thermal insulation (in W/m²K) Uw up to 0,62
  • 33 – 46 dB Sound reduction
  • Minimal and pure design

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13th April 2021 - Triple Glazing For The Price of Double

We are pleased to announce that from April 12- June 25 2021, Internorm will be running a 'TRIPLE FOR DOUBLE' on select systems. You can have all the comforts of triple glazing for the price of double on the following Internorm systems: KF310, KF410, KF320, KF520; KV350, KV440; HF310, HF410; HV450, KS430, HS330, HX300.

Triple Glazing For The Price of Double

To benefit or for more information, contact us at or give us a call on 01226 885 019.

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8th March 2021 - Innovative Window Manufacture From Internorm

Each Internorm window is produced exactly according to your wishes and custom-made. Thus, our window-products are available in the most diverse window sizes, window versions and window designs such as frameless windows, flush or square-edged frames or even windows with rounded edges of sash and frame. The windows will match any chosen architectural style and design of your house.

Innovative Window Manufacture From Internorm

Besides turn, turn-tilt or tilt windows, our products are also available as fixed glazing, balcony door, patio door, sliding window or door, lift-sliding door, large-scale glazing and as basement window.

  • UPVC windows - UPVC windows are still the most popular windows in Europe. These can be custom-made and in many different designs
  • UPVC-aluminium windows - Aluminium cladding on the outside is easy to care for and can be designed in many colours and structures
  • Timber-aluminium windows - Timber windows are unparalleled in their naturalness and cosiness. In order to retain characteristics for a long time, a protective aluminium cladding is fixed to the outside

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2nd February 2021 - Rationel Modern Or Traditional Window Styles

Your home is unique and your windows should be too. From the way the light gathers at dawn to the flow of air during a hot summer, every element should complement your lifestyle. It’s beauty without compromise. Shape your outlook and change your world.

Rationel Modern Or Traditional Window Styles

Rationel Scandinavian windows bring together daylight, beauty and warmth to truly amplify your happy home. Highly energy-efficient as standard, they act as the catalyst to a totally comfortable and content environment, no matter what type of home you live in. All of our windows are made entirely bespoke. We put the utmost care into every consideration, from colour and glazing all the way through to opening and closing functions, to create something that’s perfectly suited to you.

  • AURA & AURAPLUS - Our modern windows are characterised by clean lines and minimalistic design. They’re well suited to contemporary construction and Scandinavian feel
  • FORMA & FORMAPLUS - Our traditional windows are characterised by their unique detailing. Discover this traditional range that’s well suited to any construction that aims for the traditional British architecture in a classic style

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5th January 2021 - Operational Update for Coronavirus COVID 19 & Ecotec Windows

Ecotec Architectural Window Solutions supply composite windows and doors to Yorkshire, Derbyshire, Lincolnshire, Nottinghamshire and across the UK. Although our showroom and offices are closed to visitors we are open for business across all other aspects of our products and services for our customers. All employees, contractors and suppliers are operating within hands, face and space guidelines allowing us to process enquiries and fulfil orders. We are available to process any requests so please contact us for more information.

Operational Update for Coronavirus COVID 19 & Ecotec Windows

Whether a new build, or a refurbishment, whether you are a project owner creating your dream home, or an architect turning designs into practicalities, we are here to discuss your project needs. We can provide product information and drawings, give advice on styles and most appropriate systems and can create detailed quotes 'off plan' or give a guide price from rough dimensions.

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2nd December 2020 - Seasons Greetings From Ecotec Windows

Season’s greetings from all of us and we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We are taking orders throughout December into 2021 and will be operational offering the very best windows and doors available from Rationel, Internorm and Solarlux. We would like to thank everyone involved with our company including our employees, customers, suppliers and people who have been involved in projects and related activities.

Seasons Greetings From Ecotec Windows

We have forged strong relationships with Rationel, Internorm and Solarux and are proud to be able to offer their range of stylish and highly energy efficient products across Yorkshire and the UK. To see the products at first hand you can visit us at our showroom, which is just 10mins drive from J36 of M1 and 15mins drive from J37 of A1, ideally located for Yorkshire, Derbyshire, Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire - if you would like to take a look at our product ranges, please give us a call to make an appointment - 01226 885019

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5th November 2020 - Introducing Solarlux

For more than 30 years, the name Solarlux has stood for bespoke folding glass door solutions and large-scale glass panes. All products are developed, tested and created at the company’s head office in Melle. From the outset, the idea was to create unique products to make houses open and flexible to their surroundings. Today, they are still a world-renowned company with the highest standards of design, quality and functionality. Find out more at

Introducing Solarlux

All Solarlux windows, doors and sliding doors are unique and their range is tailored to provide options for commercial, industrial and residential properties whatever the scale and scope of the design. Solarlux have led the way in state of the art large format glazing, with technical perfection. Creating endless opportunities to add more space and more light to any building for home-owners, designers and architects who want high quality building projects that focus on great design. For more information please contact Ecotec Windows on 01226 885019 for an informal discussion on our window and door range.

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1st October 2020 - New Website Launched For Ecotec Windows

We are pleased to launch our new responsive website which offers information across several sections using visuals and graphics from the excellent Rationel, Internorm and Solarlux product ranges with the very best in Timber and Composite Window and Door technology. Find out more at

New Website Launched For Ecotec Windows

The new website offers information covering Ecotec Windows, Videos, News, Inspiration Gallery, testimonials and supporting information. In addition we have a comprehensive Rationel Windows and Doors section outlining the elements around sustainability, durability, technical performance, composite doors & doors, timber windows & doors. The UK's leading Internorm distributor also provides information on aluminium-clad timber and aluminium-clad UPVC products that can be combined with automated smart technology.

Find out more about the lifestyle ranges of Tilt'n Turn Windows, Doors, Entrance Doors, French Doors, Patio Doors, Sliding Doors, Glass Corners and Panoramic Windows. This unique range of profiles is presented with full information covering opening types, colours, product detail, sizes, durability tests, sectional details and best performance criteria. Our full range of Bi-Fold doors by Solarlux is also presented with information on aluminium, wooden, composite doors. Please browse our new website and feedback any comments you have. For more information please contact Ecotec Windows on 01226 885019 for an informal discussion on our window and door range.

New Website Launched For Ecotec Windows

New Website Launched For Ecotec Windows

New Website Launched For Ecotec Windows

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17th September 2020 - Triple glazing for the price of Double!!

  • Get triple glazing for the price of double and enjoy a warmer home sooner rather than later
  • Our super efficient triple glazing will make your home warmer, quieter and safer
  • Triple the benefits at half the cost

Continually Efficient
Safety All Around

Ecotec Announce Opening of New Showroom

I-Tec Glazing: All-Round Innovation
To ensure maximum security for your home, our windows are equipped with I-tec glazing. Many windows are only connected to the frame at a few points. Our I-tec glazing however, offers continuous all-round fixing of the glass pane as standard. This continuous bonding significantly improves the windows stability, thermal insulation, sound insulation and security.

I-Tec Insulation: Greater Insulation
For greater energy efficiency, we use I-tec insulation throughout our UPVC-aluminium window range. Our windows are filled with granulate instead of foam, enabling the smallest of gaps to be filled. This provides high levels of insulation, helping to keep heating costs low.

At Internorm, we offer enhanced thermal insulation glazing as standard. The ECLAZ® offers unprecedented thermal insulation, making it extremely eco-friendly. It also offers high transpa-rency, ensuring up to 10% more daylight. Combining energy savings with improved comfort, the ECLAZ® is eco-innovation at its best.

  • Eco-Friendly - offers excellent insulation and lowers CO2
  • Energy Efficient - combines energy savings with improved comfort
  • Enhanced Natural Light - enjoy up to 10% more daylight

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2nd September 2020 - Internorm Windows & Doors Burglary Protection

Burglary protection for windows - The fundamental requirement to feel safe and secure in your own four walls is optimum protection from burglars as well as maximum security for children. Windows contribute to this considerably. Therefore, all Internorm windows are equipped with standard security which means that 1 mushroom peg and closing part are attached to the bottom of the window on the handle side and thus protect especially against levering. I-tec glazing also contributes to burglary protection. The glass pane can no longer be pushed out due to the patented all around bonding of the pane with the window sash.

Internorm Windows & Doors Burglary Protection

I-tec locking offers maximum protection and is installed in each KF 500 UPVC window. This locking technology is unique on the window market and absolutely unrivalled. Burglary-resistant entrance doors - We only rely on proven locking systems of renowned companies to offer you optimum protection from burglars for your entrance door. Therefore, we are installing 5-point locks from company KFV into our aluminium entrance doors. The multi-point locks of our timber-aluminium doors are supplied by Winkhaus. Three solid door hinges and a cylinder with anti-drilling and anti-scanning protection make our entrance doors additionally burglary-resistant. Of course, you can equip our aluminium and timber-aluminium entrance doors with an extra plus of security. Your Internorm distribution partner will gladly advise you to make your doors as burglary-proof as possible according to your requirements.

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3rd August 2020 - Natural Light With Rationel Windows & Doors

Natural light is always better than artificial light, and it can bring with it so many wonderful benefits. It increases your body’s “feel-good” serotonin, and it can open the space between the indoors and outdoors, allowing you to invite your surroundings into the comfort of your home. Having more natural light creates a greater, more enjoyable sense of space to help you cultivate your sanctuary and peace of mind.

Natural Light With Rationel Windows & Doors

With our bespoke Rationel windows and doors, you can enjoy excellent levels of natural light without compromising on thermal efficiency. So come and be inspired – after all, we’re daylight specialists.

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15th July 2020 - Solarlux Bi-folding Doors Brochure Now Available

The high-quality Solarlux sliding doors offer maximum window and our sliding systems offer a non-insulated alternative to the bifolding glass door with a wide variety of possible uses and designs. Our innovative premium Cero sliding doors, with their minimal slimline frames, open up a room with its extensive glass panes and impressive dimensions, design and functionality. Cero guarantees precision, smart technical details, ultra slim frame, in-house production, on-site management and sophisticated designs that are exclusively European.

Solarlux Bi-folding Doors Brochure Now Available

For more than 30 years, the name Solarlux has stood for bespoke folding glass door solutions and large-scale glass panes. All products are developed, tested and created at the company’s head office in Melle. From the outset, the idea was to create unique products to make houses open and flexible to their surroundings. Today, we are still a world-renowned company with the highest standards of design, quality and functionality.

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4th June 2020 - Energy-efficient Sun Protection From Internorm

With I-tec shading, Internorm offers energy-efficient sun protection for the composite window systems KV 440 and HV 350. Venetian, pleated, or Duette blinds are integrated between the window panes and are operated by means of a photovoltaic module. An automatic mode with day/night detection allows for the self-opening of the blinds at sunrise and their closing at sunset.

June 2020 - Energy-efficient Sun Protection From Internorm

June 2020 - Energy-efficient Sun Protection From Internorm

June 2020 - Energy-efficient Sun Protection From Internorm

Each Internorm window is produced exactly according to your wishes and custom-made. Thus, our window-products are available in the most diverse window sizes, window versions and window designs such as frameless windows, flush or square-edged frames or even windows with rounded edges of sash and frame. The windows will match any chosen architectural style and design of your house.

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11th May 2020 - Garden Windows & Doors For The Summer

You don’t need to be outdoors to enjoy your garden. Be inspired to bring the outside in with our beautiful windows and doors. Whether your dream is to have a traditional conservatory or a contemporary space that integrates your house and garden, we can help. Through design ideas and practical advice, we’ll help in creating a beautiful space that brings daylight into your home in the summer and keeps the warmth in during the winter. so no matter what time of year, you’ll still reap the benefits of your outdoor space.

Garden Windows & Doors For The Summer

Garden Windows & Doors For The Summer

Garden Windows & Doors For The Summer

All of our windows are made entirely bespoke. We put the utmost care into every consideration, from colour and glazing all the way through to opening and closing functions, to create something that’s perfectly suited to you. So whether you’re looking for a natural look from a sustainable source or a reliable option that is purpose-built to protect your home against the elements, not to mention the wear and tear that comes with frantic family life, look no further than Rationel.

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3rd April 2020 - Operational Update for Coronavirus COVID 19 & Ecotec Windows

During the Coronavirus UK restrictions, please be aware that Ecotec will be operating as usual. Ecotec staff are able to carry out their work from home, so we can still create quotes and place orders for you. This is great news for those of you in self-isolation with project plans waiting to be progressed!

Our suppliers, whose factories are based in Poland, Austria and Germany all confirm that they are still manufacturing without issues and that there are no significant delays at the borders, so deliveries continue to arrive as planned, with a 6-8 week lead-time. The only exception to normal business is the closure of our showroom, which will remain closed until Government restrictions are lifted. So, if you would like a quotation for any of our product ranges, please complete the enquiry or call Brett on 01226 885019.

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11th March 2020 - New Rationel Windows & Doors Brochure Available

The pages ahead feature our regular style options for your inspiration, we can also manufacture specially shaped units to suit unique spaces. Our experts can help guide your decisions by taking into account the details of your build and the overall impact you are aiming for. The new brochure is available here:

New Rationel Windows & Doors Brochure Available

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20th February 2020 - New Internorm Booklet Operating Instructions, Care & Maintenance Download

Internorm have created a downloadable booklet PDF offering information care, maintenance and the operation of our windows and doors. You have decided on an Internorm product which belongs to the very first choice in quality, technical perfection and design. This is based upon the technical know-how of many years of experience in window construction. By choosing Internorm you have chosen the security of one of Europe’s largest premium window brands.

New Internorm Booklet Operating Instructions, Care & Maintenance Download

Perfect burglary protection, excellent thermal insulation and sound-protected windows are a matter of fact with Internorm. We put great emphasis on sophisticated design and excellent processing into the smallest detail of every window. Extensive window hardware offers you countless possibilities for your design. We not only offer numerous handles in various designs, but also window hardware with designer closing elements. They look good and even make cleaning of the windows easier.

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17th January 2020 - The Double Function of Passive House Windows

The window in a passive house plays an excellent role in two ways. Firstly, the heat loss can be reduced despite large glass areas. Secondly, windows open up possibilities for heat gain through solar irradiation. Highly thermally insulating Internorm windows fulfil this double role exemplary which first appears contradictory. Ug values as low as 0.4 W/(m2K) can be achieved with thermal insulation glazing which is used in passive houses. Find out more in the Internorm Windows section of the website.

The Double Function of Passive House Windows

Advantages of passive house windows - Windows in passive houses are tripled glazed and frames are also very well insulated in order to fulfil the high requirements on thermal insulation. As 30 to 40% of the window opening consists of the frame, the quality of the frame is paramount. In detail, passive house windows offer you the following advantages:

  • Highly thermally insulating glazing
  • Highly thermally insulating frame
  • Thermally optimised edge compound
  • Professional, thermally optimised installation

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5th December 2019 - Season's Greetings From Ecotec Windows

We would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to everyone involved with our company including customers, staff, suppliers and partners for your support during the year. We are looking forward to 2020 and working with all of you again next year. Season’s greetings from all of us and we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Please contact us to arrange an appointment to visit our showroom.

December 2019 - Season's Greetings From Ecotec Windows

We would like to wish our customers & suppliers the best wishes for the festive season. We have had an excellent year and are pleased to be moving into next year with a positive outlook. We have significant expansion plans and projects planned for 2020 and more news will be made available in this area over the first months of the year.

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5th November 2019 - Ecotec Windows At The Harrogate Homebuilding & Renovation Show

Ecotec WIndows will be working with our partners Internorm, exhibiting at the essential homebuilding and renovating event in the North of England at the Harrogate Homebuilding & Renovating show 2019 which takes place during Friday 1st November to Sunday 3rd November. Doors open at 10:00 and are expected to be closed around 16:30. We will be at stand B448 at The Harrogate Convention Centre, Kings Road, Harrogate, HG1 5LA.

Ecotec Windows At The Harrogate Homebuilding & Renovation Show

Self-build specialists, renovation experts and leading brands are all under one roof at the Northern Homebuilding & Renovating Show. Discover the latest products, understand how to maximise your budget or seek an architect's opinion. From small plots to big builds, the Homebuilding & Renovating Show is the place to pick up tools and tips from the brightest and best in the business.

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5th October 2019 - New Build Triple Glazed Windows Development Chesterfield

Ecotec Windows was involved with a Rational Aura+ windows and door installation for a new home development in Chesterfield. We were asked to supply high performance windows and doors for a luxury detached new build property in Chesterfield. You can see from the image how stunning this project looks. We are very pleased with it and have several others planned for the surrounding region.

New Build Triple Glazed Windows Development Chesterfield

The design of AURA+ is slim and elegant, creating a stylish overall architectural appearance, whether you are building a new house or refurbishing an existing one. The slim design also allows maximum natural light into the home. Made from timber, with external aluminium cladding, Rationel AURA+ offers all the benefits of natural wood on the inside and easy maintenance on the outside.

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Contact Us

Our Showroom is open by appointment only, so we can give you an individually tailored viewing experience. Call 01226 885019 to arrange a time to suit you, even if this is outside normal office hours or at a weekend.